Sunday, 8 January 2012

Your hair dresser may be your best friend

I've watched a news article and read an on-line article today about hair dressers in salons informing their clients when they find a mole or spot that looks suspicious to them. My friend Christine does my hair. She had been telling me over and over to remove a mole that was on the back of my neck because it looked like it was growing and changing colour. I would never have known because like any of us, I don't look at the back of my neck. Now, this mole ended up not being anything, but she was also one of my friends who encouraged me to get the mole on my right calf looked at because it was changing and suspicious looking. It was melanoma. I'm very thankful that I have so many people looking out for me. I, of course, wishd I would have paid attention to them sooner. But that's history now. And, following the theme of my last blog, you can't start over, you have to move forward. So I am actively counting my blessings.
Check out this on-line article on Medical News Today:
Lead your day with a smile and you will get many in return. Cheers.

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